Monday, November 12, 2007

A new day, a new experience....

Hello world! Yet another new blog on the web. What's new and exciting about this one? Absolutely nothing. So why do we have this facination with other peoples lives? I have no idea but we truely do.

In other news, why are FedEx crap? Have spent all morning on the phone trying to get a parcel delivered. A simple task you would think, not so. After ringing the depot 4 times, I've been cut off, misdirected and finally left for twenty minutes on a ringing phone. I wouldn't mind so much but the last time they tried to deliver to me, my parcel was 'lost'. These were tickets for an event in Orlando, so we had them cancelled, luckily Disney World reissued them and sent them by UPS instead, arriving safely in three days. Why are you telling us this I hear you ask? Just to illustrate the point at after all this, a month later the original parcel arrived - delivered by Staffordshire Police! FedEx swear they'll have my parcel to me by 9am tomorrow. Hmmm, watch this space.

Another act of faith today, I seem to be doing that alot lately. Have ordered a bottle of champagne to be delivered to my wife, (Lynn, love of my life and regular cast member in this show) onboard the aircraft on the way to Orlando in two weeks time. One for Lynn and one for her best friend Emma (Emma and Andy her husband, more regulars in our show). If it comes off it will be a good start to the holiday, if they cock it up I've done £50 in cold blood...

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