Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A leap of faith, and a faint smell of pee...

Would you believe it? Fedex were true to their word. Just after 9, a van which looked like it had been persued by the police in a crappy reality show appeared driven by a dosser. He mumbled at me and pointed to his clipboard. I signed a false name as usual. Just for fun, something silly, Dan Druff, Hugh Jarse or similar. A workmate to this day is walking round with a company ID card with the name Hugh Jarse on it, we borrowed the card making camera and machine, the picture is of course, his bare arse...

The parcel looked like it had been in a washing machine and smelled vaguely of pee. FedEx revenge?

Yesterday's leap of faith was nothing compared with todays. Ever tried to book a limo in another country over the phone? Oi vey, talk about two countries divided by a common language. Now Americans are normally ok with the Queen's English but I always find the ones who can't speak American English, let alone the Queens. It's a strange effect as I seem to unconsciously start speaking lower and slower, and start pronouncing my words very carefully. I suddenly realised I'd turned into Noel Coward. So here's hoping. All I have is a pair of reference numbers and a promise. Hopefully all this work will come together later as a superbly written travelogue which will get me a mention in the Unoffical guide.

But I can't see it...

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