Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm back from the colonies.

"Where have you been?", I hear you ask. It's been three weeks since the last blog. I've been in the States. To the tourist Mecca that is Disney World in Florida to be exact. That was the original reason for starting this blog, to put my trip reports and stuff but I seem to actually like writing.

Here's the deal, I don't have a laptop or Iphone so I couldn't blog in real time so I'm introducing retro-blogging. I took blog notes every day in a pad to type up when I got back. I have 50 pages of notes which will take me a while. I also have over 3000 pictures to review and I might even put some on here if I can work out how to do it.

Point is that each post will have the day number and the date so you can all go back in time with me and hopefully I can be back in the real world by Christmas. Just ignore the date posted until I say so...

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